Desperation makes you do funny things. My particular issue right now is the E-man’s refusal to eat vegetables. If it isn’t in the shape of a fry then he doesn’t want it in his mouth. Actually, that is not true. He will squash mashed potatoes in sometimes, others it is a tool of the devil. There was a short period of time where he would eat mashed sweet potatoes. No longer. Potatoes are also acceptable in chip shape – but the sweet potato chips received the cold shoulder. But like a mule I keep on trying.

For inspiration I frequently look to the blog Chow Mama because it is awesome. For the first time in my life I brought home kale from the Farmer’s Market and I made the much raved about Kale Chips. When they were done I  handed himself one and said “Chip” he took it dubliously and regarded it as if I had just handed him a deep fried roach to partake of. He nibbled off a small piece and promptly handed it back to me, no amount of entreaty would entice him into taking another one from my hand.

The implements of destruction

The implements of destruction

I had great hopes for Beet Chips. I worked hard on them. Busted out the fancy pants mandolin and made the most god-awful mess of my kitchen. Really, I expected to see Grissom walking through my door with his little briefcase (of course I would prefer Warrick or Nick, or both. Did you see the one episode where the body was in a pool and they did “odds ‘n evens” to see who had to go into the pool. My thought was whomever goes into the pool in their t-shirt I WIN!!!)

I sliced them as thin as possible – but apparently not thin enough. I tossed them lightly in olive oil – but apparently not lightly enough. Sprinkled lovingly with Kosher salt – but not … well you get the picture. I cooked them at the lowest my oven would go for about, oh, three days. Sorry, I exaggerate, but I cooked them for a long da@n time. Eventually I declared them done and yanked them out of the oven. After a more thorough search of the intarweb I found one person who helpfully noted that they do not harden up until they cool. WELL that would have been USEFUL about 3 hours ago …

Not being a big beet fan, I was skeptical – but they were pretty darn tasty. The few slices that I managed to get paper thin were bordering on delicious. Did the E-man like them?

Not a chance in H-E double hockey-sticks!

As with the Kale chips he dutifully sampled a molecule of one, and returned them to my hand. I packed them in lunches to play dates and he refused to eat them. The other children at the play dates LOVED them. I think I am giving up on veggie chips for awhile.

Mt. Saint Sour Cream

Mt. Saint Sour Cream

Does dip actually need a recipe? I mean really? Take some sour cream and chuck in some tasty stuff. Actually, for me the primary dip recipe of note is:

Open tub of Sour Cream
Insert Chip
Cram in mouth

But that lacks elegance. And my guests sometimes object to everyone eating out of the Sour Cream tub, so apparently I do need a recipe… Fine… Be that way.

Sour Cream and Scallion Dip:

16 oz Sour Cream (reduced fat is OK if you roll that way)
5 T Chopped Scallions
1/2 C Chopped Fresh Flat Leafed Parsley
1/3 C Dehydrated Onion Flakes
1 T Granulated Garlic
1 t Worcestershire Sauce
Dash of Paprika
Salt and Pepper to taste
Frankly – everything is to taste.

Scrape sour cream out of the container into a medium sized bowl and add all of the ingredients except parsley. Stir together well and taste for seasoning. Add anything else you want, except dried herbs – they suck in this application. Scrape mixture back into sour cream tub and seal.

Allow to sit overnight in ‘fridge or as long as you have. A couple of hours is essential. Shortly before you serve it, stir in the parsley. Once it is made it keeps well refrigerated, but I like adding the parsley just before serving it to guests.

My husband, well he gets the stuff that has been sitting in the ‘fridge for however long. You will notice that there is no mayo in this recipe as is common in other recipes. I do not care for mayo sullying my sour cream experience.

Guess who ate the prop chip? Husband, of course.